Saturday, 30 January 2016

Thing23: #Rudai23

 For this task I decided to install the Hootsuite content management tool.  I setup my account and linked three social networks to the application; Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter. I was really impressed with the tool. I will without doubt use this tool from now on. One flaw for me was that the main Facebook newsfeed is not available through the tool. I checked this issue online and the news feed page was available in the past but is not supported by Hootsuite anymore.  Here’s a link if you’d like to read more Hootsuite Support .

Instead, I removed my Facebook stream and added a second LinkedIn stream which will be just as useful to me. I also setup my account without allowing the application to access my Facebook messages for personal security. I really like this tool and am grateful I was introduced to it.  I have found trying to keep up with all my social network accounts difficult at times and time consuming which is no longer an issue.  


  1. I've always wondered about Hootsuite. I set up Tweetdeck and it works reasonably well for me. Perhaps I'm not using my social media accounts as effectively as I should. Thanks for the tip about adding LinkedIn. I'll remember that when I get to Thing23!

  2. Hi Brian, Congratulations on completing all the 23 things - well done.
    Christine #Rudaí23 team
