Monday, 31 August 2015

Thing 6: #Rudai23

I reviewed blogs from various Rudai23 participants and was impressed and entertained by what I read.  I was really worried that I falling behind considering this blog post is titled Thing6 and Thing14 is ready to complete.  I should be able to catch up soon though. I just completed my work experience and now l have a week or so free until I start my Masters in Library and Information studies.  I was really impressed by some blogs and others well, not so much. One in particular really related to me and my story, which was interesting to read.  Like me, she completed an Arts degree and the notion of being a librarian unexpectedly came into her head one day.  I left a comment on her blog.  She really seems to enjoy it as well which is very encouraging.  Some Blogs I reviewed from the link provided weren’t started yet, so if they’re participating they will have to play catch up. I also read participant’s blogs from the bottom left column on the Rudai23 webpage which were very professional. 

I taught these blogs were good but too professional if you ask me. I feel a blog should show personality in order to relate to people, and I think that was missing in some. I regularly replied to comments left on my blog so I just reviewed my blog and the previous comments. I wasn't surprised that i only related to few bloggers considering i am only entering the field, whereas most of the bloggers are qualified librarians, working in the profession for many years.  

1 comment:

  1. Still a good way to network, though. When you start going to conferences and seminars you will recognise a few names - and it will be easier to introduce yourself to other professionals - Rudaí23, a great icebreaker!
