Saturday, 31 October 2015

Thing16: #Rudai23

This blog-post will focus on the collaboration tools utilised by Library professionals in the article for thing16. The task completed was to comment on the public google document provided in the article. When I clicked on the link, I was directed to a document written in Latin which confused me. However, from scrolling down the document, I could see that other people had the same issue.

I am familiar with google drive and shared document files through the application in the past. However, I never heard of Doodle before now. These are applications provide a platform that enables library professionals to collaborate easily and efficiently. Doodle is a useful application, however, there are many similar apps available that provide the same service.

I was very impressed with the Pinterest page dedicated to thing16, Collaboration tools. These tools are valuable assets to library and information professionals and can further aid the development of the profession.

Friday, 30 October 2015

Thing 15: #Rudai23

This blog-post will explore the topic of advocating within the library profession. From reading the Rudai15 article, I learnt about the topic of advocating campaigns and supporting organisations. Before now, I had never heard of organisations that support advocacy campaigns but they showed the different methods through which advocating libraries can be accomplished. I was particularly taken by two organisations; voicesforthelibrary, and speakupforlibraries .

I looked at the library campaigns provided and found they provide important resource material for library professionals, particularly libraryatoz .  The campaigns are different, but all relate to peoples vision of the library. I felt it was important to pay specific attention the national campaigns and I am going to make a real effort to get involved in whatever way possible.

Advocating the library is not something I really taught about before reading this article.  Without realising it, I have been advocating the library in numerous way, from sharing library posts on Facebook to participating in online blogs.  I can see why advocating the library is important to the development of the profession and feel it really does have a positive impact.  

Thing14: #Rudai23

I am somewhat familiar with the topic of augmented reality from the User Centred Design module I am currently studying in UCD. For the purposes of this blog-post, I am going to explore the librARI application cited in the article.

The librARI application is a very useful tool to show and explain augmented reality. I feel this is going to prevalent feature of society in the near future.  The application is effective in providing useful information regarding a chosen topic. From the video I watched, it is clear that augmented reality is advantageous to its users and is a feature that needs to be embraced by professionals. I was also impressed by the digital interface for print books from touching the screen or making certain gestures. Library professionals need to know the different ways it can be used not only to develop the personal skills but to be able to show other users its advantages.

I have been fearful in trying to understand augmented reality in my studies but this article has cleared up some issues for me. The topic is relevant to my future, and I am really delighted to have learned more about augmented reality.

Monday, 26 October 2015

Thing 13: #Rudai23

 The Library Association of Ireland (LAI) website offers information on numerous topics for library professionals. The website is an important resource providing information on careers, conferences, groups, membership, events and publications.

I have currently applied for membership to the LAI in two sections;
·        The academic and special libraries section
·        The public libraries section

There are many benefits to becoming a member of the LAI besides looking good on a C.V. The LAI offers guidance and support for library professionals. It provides a platform that promotes collaboration between peers. The LAI provides information on how to develop my professional skills to progress in my career.

Sunday, 25 October 2015

Thing 12: #Rudai23

Thing 12 was interesting to read and understand. I never really taught about the value of conferences before now, but the article was very insightful. For the purposes of this blog I have decided to choose option two of the task, but I do see myself attending conferences in the near future.

The conference I would like to attend is titled, Developing as a Professional: Attaining a Library Association of Ireland (LAI) Award of ALAI and FLAI, on 20 November 2015. I became aware of this conference when I was exploring the LAI website, and I really feel it would help my progress in the profession. At the moment I’m a graduate student who is coming to the peak time of term with assessments so unfortunately I can’t attend the conference.
The conference is intended to educate people developing their careers and there will be previous award winners discussing their experiences and offering insights. I think the conference would guide me in the right direction for the next stage in my career. It would be a great to hear the experiences of people who were in the same position as me, and to see what route they decided to take in the profession. I know the library profession is for me from my studies and I will need this guidance soon.

I wouldn’t be fearful of attending the conference. In the past year I have welcomed new experiences, particularly group work in college. This involved meeting new people and collaborating together, so I feel ready to attend these type of events. I know two guest speakers on the programme and if the other speakers are as insightful, I know I would learn a great deal on the day.