Saturday, 18 July 2015

Thing1: #Rudai23

Hello everyone,
Initially, I first taught of me working as a librarian about three years ago.  I was studying for my honors degree in the college library feeling pretty uncertain about my future.  I didn’t know if I was on the right path?   As much as I loved my degree and the subjects I studied, I always knew that if I was to get a good job then I was going to have to continue my studies and do either a higher diploma or a masters to specialise in a particular area.  I was looking around the library daydreaming and saw one of the librarians showing a student how to access journals online.  This led me to think, 'I wonder what a librarian actually does'.  I know they give and receive books,order books, put the books on shelf's and taught that was about it really,but when I started to research the occupation I was pleasantly surprised. There is so much more.  The way in which the field in changing and at such a rapid rate appeals to me as being an ever growing part of the education and information sector.  I like the way old fashioned wooden cubicles are slowly being abandoned for more appealing comfortable spaces that promotes and encourages students to learn in a more interactive environment.  This appeals to me as being a good working environment.  I’d also like to work as a librarian because I feel it’s something I can be really great at and that’s very important to me.   I have good social skills and feel I can turn a library into a popular place to be.   I love working with computers, have excellent organisational skills and take great pride in doing a job right. I’m interested in several areas within the library institution such as acquisitions,  cataloging,  marketing, classifications, managing, and the future of libraries.  I’m looking forward to the challenge ahead, if anybody has any advice or can prepare me for any surprises then it will be appreciated greatly. Feel free to share your experience.